Vital Records Newspaper Index

NEW! Search Full-Text Articles

Now you can view the full text of local obituaries, birth, marriage, and anniversary announcements online. Use the search interface below to find the name of the newspaper, the date of publication, and the column where the announcement appears. Then click here to search for the full text online.




This searchable index of local obituary, birth, marriage, and anniversary announcements covers the following newspapers and dates:

  • The Woodford Sentinel — January 1887 to December 6, 1889
  • The Metamora Herald — December 20, 1889, to July 7, 2011
  • The Washburn Leader — December 11, 1902, to December 30, 1920

These newspapers report on the towns of Benson, Cazenovia, Germantown Hills, Low Point, Roanoke, Spring Bay, and Washburn, Illinois.

To view the full microfilm entries described in this index, visit the Metamora branch, or request copies by mail or email.


The project staff (Grant Fredericksen, Roberta Grooms, and Carol Wood) and many dedicated volunteers have made this index available for your use. We have tried to include all of the Newspapers: Obituaries-Birth-Marriage-Anniversary, whether full length or a line, but errors and omissions may have occurred and for this, we apologize.