Checkout Guidelines

Checkout Limits

There is no limit on physical items on your card at any time except for DVDs, which are limited to 5. 


To renew or reserve items, log in to your account

Library materials can be renewed 24 hours a day through our website, mobile app, or by calling your local branch during operating hours.

Most of the items checked out from IPDPL will automatically renew before they become overdue. *Some items are not eligible for auto-renewal.  

See staff for more information.

Click here for directions to view and renew your items online through RSAcat.

Please call the Library at: (309) 921-5074 if you experience any problems renewing Library materials.

Most physical materials (books, Launch Pads, CDs, and STEAM kits will automatically renew up to 2 times.*  Materials requested by another patron will not auto-renew.

Item TypeDaysRenewals
Books21 daysup to 2 renewals
DVDs7 daysno renewals
Blu-rays7 daysno renewals
Magazines7 daysno renewals
Books on CD14 daysup to 2 renewals
STEAM kits21 daysup to 2 renewals
Launchpad tablets21 daysup to 2 renewals

Yes, you can return most materials in the exterior drop boxes located at every branch.

Yes, you can return any item to any IPDPL branch.

Requests for items not owned by Illinois Prairie District Public Library or not available in the RSACat catalog may be filled via Interlibrary Loan. 

You may also place an inter-library loan request for the item. Interlibrary Loan is a free service available to anyone with a valid Illinois Prairie District Public Library card.