Get a Library Card

Mother and daughter looking at a book and smiling inside the library

Check out books, videos, kits, and more with your IPDPL library card!

A physical library card gives you access to our entire print and digital collection. 

Visit any library branch to sign up for a library card.

Adults wishing to register for a borrower’s card, renew an expired borrower’s card, or replace a lost, stolen, damaged, or destroyed borrower’s card at the Illinois Prairie District Public Library must show two forms of identification at least one of which bears a full name and current address showing that they live within the boundaries of the library district. These forms of identification include but are not limited to driver’s license, utility bills, or voter’s registration card.

Applicants aged 5 through 16 must be accompanied by a parent or guardian who has a current photo ID and proof of address. A signature of a parent or legal guardian accepting responsibility will be required for all cardholders under 16 years of age, and parents or guardians will be held responsible for all delinquencies.

Library cards expire three years from the day of issue. Library cards can only be renewed in person at an Illinois Prairie District Public Library branch.


Anyone who is at least 5 years old and who resides within the boundaries of the territory served by Illinois Prairie District Public Library may apply for a card. Children through grade eight will be issued juvenile cards. Upon graduation from grade eight, children will be issued adult cards.

Not sure if you live within the IPDPL service area? You can search for your home address in the box in the upper left-hand corner of the map to find your home library district.

Search the Map

If you are still unsure if you are eligible for an Illinois Prairie District Public Library card, please contact the library for assistance.

The state of Illinois extends reciprocal borrowing privileges to any person in the state with a public library card. This means you can not only use your card at any public library in central Illinois but also across the state if you are in good standing (have an active card that is not expired or blocked because of fines or fees) at your home library.

Valid library cards are not expired and have a total of less than $5 in fines or fees pending. A library card that has expired cannot be used to borrow additional materials until it is renewed. A library card that is blocked because it has accrued $5 or more in fines and fees cannot be used to borrow additional materials until the amount due has been paid.  Library cards are considered invalid if the cardholder moves outside of the library district.

Anyone can use Illinois Prairie District Public Library resources (including computers and Wi-Fi) in the library building, even if you do not have a library card.

If you are not a resident of the district, you still may be able to check out materials here. We have an agreement with most area libraries that allows you to use your library card at Illinois Prairie District Public Library.  You’ll need to get a card from your home library first and bring it along when you visit us. Some libraries choose not to be a part of our borrowing agreement.  Feel free to call ahead and ask if your library is one of them.

Many resources available on our website can be used by anyone; some require that you have an Illinois Prairie District Public Library card and are noted as such.

The fee for a non-resident card is $202.00 (as of August 2024).

If you have never used your RSAcat account before, your password/PIN is likely CHANGEME. If this doesn’t work or you have forgotten your password/PIN, please call (309) 921-5074.

Each eBook and digital media service that the library offers has a different process for recovering a lost password. Click on the name of the service you need help with below for more detailed directions. You can also call the library at (309) 921-5074.

  • Libby: Log in with your library card and password/PIN.
  • Boundless: Log in with your library card and password/PIN.
  • Hoopla: Verify your library card and password/PIN, then create a custom account username and password for a Hoopla account.
  • TumbleBook Library: Log in with your library card number.
  • Kanopy: Verify your library card and password/PIN, then create a custom account username and password for a Kanopy account.
  • RSACat: Log in with your library card and password/PIN.

Notify the library by phone at (309) 921-5074 or in person at the library. Cardholders are responsible for all materials checked out on the card until the card is reported lost or stolen. There is a $1.00 fee to replace a non-expired card.

IPDPL has eliminated overdue fines. We believe in creating an inclusive and accessible environment for all our patrons.

What Has Changed?

  • No More Daily Late Fines: Bid farewell to daily late fines for items kept past their due date.
  • Auto-Renewal Policy: Enjoy the convenience of our auto-renewal policy. Eligible items will be automatically renewed for up to two checkout periods.
  • Responsibility for Lost Items: Patrons are still responsible for the replacement cost of lost items.