
Kanopy database logo

Stream films, TV shows, and more, anytime, anywhere on your preferred devices. Sign in with your library card to download and stream our digital collection. Important information for using Kanopy:

  • Download the app: AndroidAppleKindle FireRoku
  • Tickets are used to play videos on Kanopy. 
  • Users receive 9 tickets each month. 
  • Tickets reset on the first day of the month, and unused tickets don't roll over to the next month.
  • The ticket cost and viewing period for each title varies, but you can rewatch any title as many times as you like within its allotted watch period. 
  • Titles in the Kanopy Kids section are free to watch with unlimited viewing (no tickets required).
  • Parental controls are available for Kanopy Kids so younger viewers cannot exit the section or access the full Kanopy platform without a PIN code.
  • Kanopy requires you to create a separate account.

Need help? Visit Kanopy’s Getting Started page or watch a tutorial.

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