Pandemic Response Procedures

Last Updated Date

Level I: Precautionary Health Measures 

  1. Cleaning & Supplies 
    1. Purchase additional cleaning and disease prevention supplies.
    2. Provide tissues and hand sanitizer to staff and in public areas.
    3. Offer staff gloves, to be used if desired. 
    4. Perform additional routine cleaning, as needed, of all frequently touched surfaces in the library, such as workstations, countertops, and doorknobs. 
    5. Provide staff with disinfectant wipes for quick disinfection. 
  2. Work Adjustments
    1. Authorities may request that persons returning from an infected area of the world not return to work for a period of time. Library employees are required to follow those recommendations. Absences for this purpose will be excused.
    2. Any employee presenting symptoms congruent with the outbreak will be asked to return home and/or refrain from coming to work.
    3. Review documentation of departmental procedures and/or departmental cross training so others can take over for sick employees.
  3. Communicate to the Public
    1. Share official sources for health information with patrons.
    2. Recommend that patrons and staff with symptoms not enter the buildings.
    3. Promote healthy habits.
    4. Promote online library services.
  4. Communicate to Staff
    1. Share this Pandemic Response Procedure.
    2. Encourage staff to receive appropriate vaccinations and immunizations.
    3. Emphasize that staff should stay home when sick.
    4. Follow respiratory etiquette and hand hygiene.
    5. Communicate any CDC reporting requirements.
    6. Advise traveling staff to check the CDC’s Traveler’s Health Notices.
    7. Promote healthy habits.


Level II: Moderated Services 

In the event that active cases have been identified in our area:

  1. Service Adjustments 
    1. Encourage social distancing. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), “social distancing means remaining out of congregate settings, avoiding mass gatherings, and maintaining distance (approximately 6 feet or 2 meters) from others when possible.” 
    2. Reduce or suspend services. Public health authorities may advise that libraries and other gathering places minimize or entirely suspend situations where numerous individuals congregate in relatively confined spaces. In such cases, the Library Director may suspend some or all: 
      1. Library programming 
      2. Public meeting room use 
      3. Deliveries to nursing homes and schools 
      4. Holds processing 
    3. Staff should contact a commercial cleaning company with access to medical-grade disinfectant if an area needs to be thoroughly cleaned. Local companies include: Connie’s Commercial Cleaning (Peoria) 309-622-2409 Nord Commercial Services (Peoria) 309-674-6673 Vonachen Services (Peoria) 309-691-6202 
    4. Review and prepare options for emergency library services as necessary.
  2. Work Adjustments (in addition to Level I Work Adjustments) 
    1. Cancel all library-related travel. 
    2. Wipe/disinfect all returned materials before reshelving. 
    3. Remove all toys, games, and manipulatives from children’s area. 
    4. Stop selling coffee. 
  3. Communicate to Public 
    1. Continue messaging as in Level I. Messages should explicitly state that service reductions are being done to slow down disease transmission, not because of an abundance of sick staff. 
    2. Post an alert on the website outlining adjustments to services: adjust homepage to include pointers to official sources of info about the pandemic. 
    3. Contact affected program registrants, meeting room users, study room reservations, etc. to notify of service adjustments. 
    4. Remind public that no overdue fines
  4. Communicate to Staff 
    1. Library Director will monitor and coordinate response among authorities, schools, villages, and library 
    2. Encourage staff to wear gloves and masks when handling materials 
    3. Review and adjust staff list to ensure information is current


Level III: Temporary Closure 

  1. Service Adjustments (in addition to Level II Service Adjustments) 
    1. Temporary Closure. During the course of a pandemic, the Library Director or Board President may temporarily close any or all library buildings under one or more of the following conditions: 
      1. Public health authorities order such a closure 
      2. Public visitation is too low to warrant keeping the buildings open 
      3. Staffing levels are too low to operate the library 
      4. Any other conditions that prevent the library from operating the facilities safely and effectively 
    2. Emergency Closing and Staff Pay Policy may apply. 
    3. Work with RSA to extend due dates. 
    4. All items will be discharged fine free.
  2. Work Adjustments (in addition to Level I & II Work Adjustments) 
    1. Staff members are to report to work in person unless otherwise informed by the Library Director or Board President. 
    2. The Director will continue to coordinate response among staff and with Board of Trustees to monitor building and systems conditions. 
  3. Communicate to the Public 
    1. Post an alert message on the website indicating the library is closed; homepage to include pointers to official sources of info about the pandemic. 
    2. Post library closed message on front doors of the buildings. 
    3. Alert media as necessary. 
    4. Continue to share official sources for health information and library service updates with patrons via digital communications channels. 
  4. Communicate to Staff 
    1. The Director will continue to monitor and coordinate response among authorities, schools, villages, and library. 
    2. Staff should stay home at earliest signs of possible infection or if family member is infected. Staff should remain home until infectious period is past, following CDC or Health Department guidelines.


FINAL CAVEAT: Should the situation call for a more nuanced response than is outlined here, the Director and Board of Trustees may adjust the library's response to meet emergent needs.

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