Official Illinois Nature Species

Each state has its own state nature symbols – plants and animals that are native to that state. Some of these symbolic plants and animals are easy to find. Finding others might require a trip to a special location, like a botanical garden or a zoo. Do you know what plants and animals are symbolic to Illinois?

The Experiment

Supplies: None. Just your eyes, and perhaps a web search.

What to do: Identify (and observe, if possible) the following:

Amphibian _________________________
Animal _________________________
Bird _________________________
Fish _________________________
Flower _________________________
Grass _________________________
Insect _________________________
Mineral _________________________
Reptile _________________________
Tree _________________________

Did you know Illinois had so many state symbols? Were you able to see all of these in person? If not, which ones are you still missing?


For more information about the state symbols of Illinois, check out the State Symbols web page on the website.